Protecting your plants the natural way
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Hoops and Cages
Garden Hoops
Veg Cages - No Netting
Strawberry Cages
Cage Kits
Balls & Joiners
Garden Tunnels
In order to protect your garden plants and vegetables, it is important to have the right products. Garden hoops can be used to create tunnels. Veggiemesh is placed over the hoops to create the tunnel for protection. There are different size kits available to help protect your plants. Garden cages and hoops are a fantastic product as you can chose to build it with the netting of your choice and build the right tunnel and cages for your garden requirements.
Garden cages and hoops are perfect solution for protecting your plants against harsh weather conditions, insects and pests, providing a strong and stable environment for your plants all year around.
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Flexible Garden Hoops
Garden Tunnels with Changeable Covers
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